Your opinion, rewarded

Get paid to share your experiences and opinions to help the brands you love build better products

Your opinion

We’ll ask you questions; we call these Steers.

Earn points

For every Steer you answer, you’ll earn points.

Swap for cash

When you’ve earned enough points, you can swap them for cash.

Download the app and start earning points today 🚀

If you are visiting this website using a smartphone or tablet, then you can go ahead and download directly from the App Store or Google Play Store now.

If you are visiting this page on a computer, then please switch to your smartphone or tablet to download the Vypr app. Once you are on your smartphone or tablet, open the App Store or Google Play Store and search ‘Vypr’.

How Vypr works

We use your feedback to help brands to develop products that you might like to buy in the future. In return for answering questions via our app, you’ll earn Vypr points. Once you reach 10,000 points, you can redeem your points for £5 sent directly to your PayPal account. You can answer as many questions as you like, anytime, anywhere. What’s not to like?

  • Seriously recommend the app though if you want to make a few extra £. Just be honest with your answer and choices ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    App Store Review

  • I love this app. I love the fact that the surveys are more like "polls" consisting of just 1-2 questions, so you never get booted out like you do with other survey sites. I wish there were more survey apps like this. Thank you. :-)

    Google Play Review

  • Using Vypr won’t make you rich, but it’s quick and easy and I like to think my opinion helps make the items. It’s 2 minutes a day most of the time and I have just received my 4th reward, so can assure you that they do pay out! There is no nudge or emails, just the app so for once I don’t feel spammed. I can do it or not as I choose and that’s perfect for me.

    App Store Review

  • I love the app. Very easy to earn points and only short surveys. I got £5 within few days.

    Google Play Review

Looking to run your own steers?

If you’re working with a brand, supplier or client and want to understand your target consumers with ​fast, cost-effective intelligence to make the right product decisions at the ​right time, then head over to our client website here to get started with Vypr today.